Monday, October 31, 2011

Collaborative Leadership

Last week we started talking about leadership. We tried to do the human knot to understand the importance of working together to accomplish a task. We talked about “collaborative leadership” and helped the girls understand why being a collaborative leader is important in today’s society.  The definition of a collaborative leader is, “Someone who possesses the ability to inspire others to work together to solve a problem and complete a project”. On Thursday we spent time talking about our strengths and weaknesses as individuals and how that affects group activities.  We each wrote down two of our strengths on index cards. We used the cards in a relay race. Girls had to race across the field to drop their strengths in the team FANTABULOUS GIFTS box before racing back to tag their next teammate. Here are some of strengths the girls listed:
-          I am organized
-          I am dependable
-          I have a good sense of humor
-          I am good at karate
-          I am a great listener
-          I can sing well
-          I like making other people laugh
-          I am always happy and positive
-          I am a good volleyball player
-          I am athletic
-          I am empathetic
Wow, we are good at so many different things! It’s great to have such a diverse team. It makes our discussions and group time so interesting and productive! Last week, we focused on team centered games (capture the flag and relay races). This week we are going to continue that theme by spending time playing team building games. I want the girls to understand how to work as a team and use their strengths for the betterment of the group.
We ended our session on a high note with a team building activity. Each girl was given popsicle sticks with her teammate names on them. Girls used the sticks to write compliments to give each girl in the group. Now the girls have a visual reminder of why they are important to our group! We ended our meeting by distributing the sticks and eating a healthy snack.

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